Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Core RBG Consideration

Liquorboxx and I are going to be working to put together a core RBG group for 4.3, while still running more "casual" RBGs on the side for alts, etc.  Core Members will be assigned a "Core RBG Member" rank and will be expected to regularly participate in Core RBG events.

Things we're looking for to be considered for the core:

  1. Geared/Gemmed/Enchanted -  Every piece of gear you have should be gemmed and enchanted.  PvP gear in all slots, and resilience at this point should be in the 4,000+ area.  To check what you need to do, go to http://us.battle.net/wow/en and in the search box, type in your name @ Shattered Halls ie.  "Dwhittman @ Shattered Halls".  Click the Advanced tab in the upper right corner, and scroll down to the Character Audit.  If anything is missing, make sure it's not ASAP. Don't forget about maxing professions for that extra punch!
  2. Know Your Class - Know your class inside and out.  Do research on your class, arenajunkies.com is a valuable resource, and never underestimate the power of Google!  This also means if you're a DPS you're not just focusing down the main target, you're also CCing another healer, or the rogue that's killing our healer.  If you're a healer you should be able to manage CCs while keeping people alive, etc.  Be indispensable!  
  3. Know Strategies - Research BGs and know what strategies we use in our battlegrounds.  If you're told in vent not to leave a node, DON'T leave the node, Always Listen To Directions!
  4. Talk in Vent! - If you see 4 Alliance rushing your node where there are 2 people defending, call it out!  All vent chat should be productive, in between games it's fine to bullshit, but once the queue pops, it's game time.  
  5. Addons - There are three addons that we require you to have for RBGs:  BattlegroundTargets, BG Defender, and Healers have to die .  These 3 Addons make RBGs much easier and if you have questions about the functionality, feel free to ask a guildie.  There are other useful addons per class, this goes under the "Know Your Class" Bullet!
  6. PvP Outside of RBGs - The more experience you have, the better you will be in BGs.  Yes random BGs suck sometimes, but the more you do, the better you are, even if it's on an alt.  This also includes doing arena to hit your Conquest Cap.  There is no excuse to not hit the Conquest cap every week!  Also a great addon for arenas is Gladius.  Feel free to use vent for arenas, it helps!
If you think you have what it takes and are interested in participating in our Core RBGs 2-3 Weekdays per week starting at 6pm server, send an in game mail to Dwhittman (2 T's not 1) expressing your interest.  We are looking for a balanced group as much as we are a skilled group.  That being said RBG Core spots will be assigned on a first come first served basis, all other things equal.  

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